Embracing Our Scars

Yesterday's sermon at Issachar Church was a profound reminder of the power and significance of our scars. Pastor Josh delivered a heartfelt message that resonated deeply with many of us, challenging our perceptions and encouraging us to embrace our past wounds as testimonies of God's strength and grace.

The Power of Scars
Pastor Josh began by sharing a personal anecdote about physical scars, highlighting how men and women often deal with them differently. While men might boast about their scars, women tend to hide them. However, when it comes to emotional and spiritual scars, we all share a common tendency to conceal them. Yet, these scars are powerful symbols of God's intervention and healing in our lives.

Jesus' Scars: A Testament of Victory
Drawing from John 20:19-20, Pastor Josh reminded us of the moment when Jesus appeared to His disciples after His resurrection. Despite having the power to heal completely, Jesus chose to retain His scars. These scars were not signs of defeat but of victory. They were proof that He had overcome death and sin. When the disciples saw His scars, they were filled with joy and belief.

Why Do We Have Scars?
Pastor Josh posed a thought-provoking question: Why did Jesus, who had the power to heal completely, still have scars? The answer lies in the profound truth that scars are a testament to God's strength. They show that God is stronger than whatever tried to harm us. Our scars are not marks of shame but of survival and triumph.

Embracing Our Scars
The sermon emphasized three key points about scars:
  1. Scars Remind Us of Who We Are: Our scars tell the story of where we have been and what we have overcome. They remind us of our journey and the growth we have experienced.
  2. Scars Remind Us of Our Purpose: Just as Paul's scars reminded him of his mission and purpose, our scars can serve as reminders of our calling and the lessons we have learned.
  3. Scars Remind Us That We Can Heal: Scars are evidence that healing is possible. They show that we have endured pain but have also experienced God's healing touch.

A Call to Authenticity
Pastor Josh challenged us to change how we view our scars. Instead of hiding them, we should embrace them as testimonies of God's work in our lives. Our scars can be powerful tools for ministry, showing others that healing and redemption are possible through Christ.

Moving Forward
As we reflect on yesterday's message, let's remember that our scars are not something to be ashamed of. They are symbols of God's strength and grace in our lives. By embracing our scars, we can become living testimonies of God's power and love.

Let's be a community that supports one another, sharing our stories and scars openly, and pointing others to the healing and hope found in Jesus Christ. As Pastor Josh reminded us, it's through our scars and limps that people can see Jesus in us.

May we walk forward with courage, knowing that our scars are a testament to the God who heals, restores, and redeems.